
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

14 Weeks

14 Weeks Update

This week we went to Panama City to celebrate our 2 year anniversary. We had a great time, but forgot to make any pictures. So I have none to share, but our hotel was right on the beach and so we went swimming in the almost too chilly water, and ate at a few  local restaurants.
Our favorite part of the trip was to Shell Island where we spent hours combing the ocean for shells.

Weekly Stats:
How far along are you:14 and a half weeks
Baby is the size of a: Lemon
Total weight loss/weight gain: -4 pounds
The bump: starting to get a little bump, gets much bigger after I eat
Symptoms: Morning sickness finally went away this week!!!!!!!
Food cravings: Pizza
Anything make you queasy: the smell of trash
Sleep: I go to bed around 9:30pm every night, like an old lady
What do you miss: being able to do what I want when I want  with my body, without worrying if it would hurt the baby
Any names: Just the middle names right now. Edward for a boy its Hubby's middle name and his grandpa's Renee for a girl it's my mom's and his aunts, we aren't for sure on the apostrophe thingy or not
Gender prediction: We did some silly test and they mostly said it was a girl
Movement: Not yet but can't wait
Maternity clothes: Officially can wear my maternity jeans. Other ones are being held on by a hair tie (don't ask)
Labor signs: WAY Too soon!
Best moment of the week: The weird way my belly felt in the ocean, like a floating ball but attached to me.

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