
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Blog Overhaul

I was staring at my blog the other day and had a realization...its sooooo girly!!!
So, even though I LOVE the color pink and everything girly, I have already come to terms that  having a baby boy means no tu-tus or big bows and frilly dresses, but obviously my blog had not. That being said I was on the hunt for a new look for my blog that said "yes I am a girl, and yes I have a baby boy, can't I have both?" my husband probably thinks I'm crazy cause I'm pretty sure he only looks at my blog if I tell him to, I guess this is a test Honey!

Anyway, I so far have not spent any money on my blog and since I don't have advertisers I don't really plan on spending any money on it. This is really just for my family and friends to keep up with us since we live about 1000 miles away. : (
So on to the free blogger template sites, and I found this new one. It said everything about me, I'm married, a mom, a crafter and sewer. So I thought it was perfect. My only complaint is that it shows the husbands hair as blonde and my hubby's is definitely almost black so that's not true, but I figured you all wouldn't care since I can't change it anyway.

So, since my world will soon be full of trucks and bugs and sports, I thought I would start now by overhauling my life, while still keeping some of my personality in there. I hope you all enjoy the new look and so far I am.

Thanks for following our family,
Keep tuned for an announcement!
