
Friday, January 18, 2013

Finally a new update...28 Weeks

28 Weeks Update

Hello everyone, good to "see" you again! So I am about 5 weeks behind on my updates. I am soooo incredibly sorry, but with the holidays and our crazy schedule lately it unfortunately has been lower on the totem pole than I would like.

Since Christmas we have had some major changes in our life and it has caused some stress but I think we are managing well. Hubby's "boss" (our pulpit ministers at church) unfortunately was rushed to the hospital before Christmas and has not been able to return to work just yet. So Hubby and many others from church have been picking up the slack. But I have to say that although this has caused some stress between doing his normal every day work stuff and preaching on Sundays, he has really been able to work on his craft of preaching. I may be biased but I think he is a wonderful preacher and every time he is up there he gets better and better. I think this has been an eye opening experience into what Hubby can do once he is "too old" to be a youth minister. (I always joke that he is going to be some 75 year old man trying to hang out with the young teen kids if it were up to him).

Anyway, now that I've update you on our last 3-4 weeks, let me get to the real reason you came to check out the blog today, my weekly update picture.

28 Weeks


Weekly Stats:
How far along are you: 28 and a half weeks
Baby is the size of a: Chinese Cabbage
Total weight loss/weight gain: +8 pound
The bump: Getting super big, already people think I'm due way before I really am, even though doctor says I'm right on schedule 
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks  most days, and round ligament pain
Food cravings: Sweets
Anything make you queasy: Not really
Sleep: Have to sleep on my side, otherwise my back is killing me.
What do you miss: Being able to walk or stand for a long period without being in pain or easily tired
Any names: Carsen
Gender prediction: Its a BOY!!!
Movement: Kicking all of the time.
Maternity clothes: Got lots of new stuff at Christmas
Labor signs: Just the braxton hicks contractions for now, but they are just pretend ones getting me ready for labor. Although I have had a bunch of dreams lately about labor.
Best moment of the week: My belly being  mis-shaped because of baby's position

***When checking on this post to see traffic, I realized that I was in such a rush to get this post out the not only did I mis-spell multiple words, but that I forgot to actually spell check them as well. I apologize and hopefully have fixed all of my typos.***

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