
Friday, March 29, 2013

38 Weeks Update

Well we are in the countdown of days left until my due date. I have been doing a few things to try and coax Little Man out, but I guess he is so comfy in there that he isn't in any rush to get out. I've been bouncing on a fitness ball all week, and tried eating pineapple, walking etc. but nothing yet.

Hopefully we will have a new update with baby pictures soon. I guess we will all be waiting on pins and needles for those ;)

38 Weeks
How far along are you: 38 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Leek
Total weight loss/weight gain: +22pounds
The bump: So big, every time I see my reflection I forget that it's me I'm looking at and am surprised again
Symptoms: Swollen feet and this belly is SO heavy
Food cravings: ice cream
Anything make you queasy: Not really, except eating too much
Sleep: Have to sleep on my side, and I get up like 3 times at night to go to the bathroom
What do you miss: not having stretch marks and not being winded all the time
Any names: Carsen
Gender prediction: Its a BOY!!!
Movement: He has dropped so I mostly feel his little bum moving side to side.
Maternity clothes: Maternity pants might be my greatest love of the last 7 months
Labor signs: Few contractions, and cramping
Best moment of the week: We went to tour the hospital and its crazy that we are in the single digits of days left till my due date!

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