
Friday, March 8, 2013

A Frolic in the Snow - Maternity Shoot

Devin and I traveled back to our hometown in Wichita, KS last weekend. Luckily for us we missed the blizzard by a few days, but we also got to enjoy some beautiful weather and beautiful scenery while we were there. Not only was the ground covered in lovely white snow, but it also happened to be about 50 degrees outside as well, which made for that magical time period before all the snow melts away. (The next day, there was nothing left, but we made it just in time).

I'm not sure if many of you know, but my dad is a photographer at J.McArthur Photography . So any time he has a chance to snap some photos he takes it. I had been wanting to do some maternity photos with this rather large bump I'm sporting these days, so we decided to go out to Botanica where my mom works and do a photo shoot. (Botanica is a great place to take the whole family, they are always planting new seasonal flowers, and the children's garden is a fun place for the kids to hang out).

So, my mom, my dad, and my 35 week pregnant self trudged our way through the snow to get some of what I consider beautiful maternity photos. Let me be honest, for pretty much all of this pregnancy, I have felt, well pretty much like a blimp (especially lately), and for the first time, I actually feel pretty in these pictures, and see that "glow" that everyone else keeps saying they see in me. So without keeping you waiting too long, here are some of the photos from the shoot. Keep in mind I said my dad was "snap happy" because he took 199 photos in a matter of about 45 mins, these are just some of the best. (Also Hubby is only in a few because it took a LOT of convincing to get him to even get out of the car much less be in a photo).

(If you didn't know we are big University of Alabama fans, and so the nursery is decorated in Crimson and Grey and has little elephants.)

(Since I'm pregnant, I'm hot ALL the time, so even though there is snow on the ground I thought it felt great outside)

(It was very bright out there with all that snow, Hubby had a hard time keeping his eyes open)

*All photos were taken by my father, James McArthur at J.McArthur Photography. You can contact him on Facebook  for more information on pricing and packaging

**Botanica has no idea I have written anything about them, these opinions are my own.

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