
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Cara Box Link Up

I recently started following a blog called Wifessionals written by Kaitlyn, a wife and soon-to-be-mother who blogs about life, marriage, and encouragement. She started a link up with other bloggers called Cara Box. Basically every month you are paired with a new blogger and you get to find out more information about them, get introduced to their blog, and you receive a care package of goodies. You also receive a different name to send a box to. Check out what I sent to Brittney at Makeup.Beauty.Life a blog about makeup reviews and Brittney's college life.

Each month there is a specific theme that your care package has to revolve around. This month the theme was "Going Green". We were supposed to make all of our items revolve around natural and green products. I was linked up with Kelly at Hoppy Bottoms. She is a vegan mom who uses Eco friendly products including cloth diapers on her precious little girl. I knew that I would be in good hands with her introducing me to the ways of natural baby care.

I received my box in the mail a few days ago, and honestly I was a little worried to open the box because the cardboard was wet. Upon opening it, I noticed that one of the cleaning solutions she sent had spilled in the box. Luckily, only a few of the items were ruined and I got to keep the majority.

Here's what Kelly sent in my box:
3 spools of thread-white, pink and blue
Reusable wipes (washcloths in the blue Tupperware container)
Homemade wipe solution (pink spray bottle, this is the culprit that spilled everywhere so I was not able to use it)
All Natural Homemade Cleaning Solution (yellow spray bottle)
Distilled white vinegar to use as cleaning agent
Homemade air freshener for Carsen's nursery (made with baking soda and lavender essential oil)
Red microfiber dish cloths
4 Onesies (as you can see in this picture they are pink, when the solution spilled it caused the red dish cloths to bleed onto the onesies so now I have tie-dyed ones. I am going to try and bleach the color out, not sure if it will work or not)
Palmer's Coco Oil for itchy skin
Honest hand sanitizer (this one went straight into the diaper bag!)
Adorable flat quarter so I can make something for Carsen
Reusable grocery bag that says "Keep the Planet Green"
Newman's naturals yogurt trail mix
2 Larabars (unfortunately they became soaked in that solution so I didn't get to try them)

Thank you so much to Kelly for sending this wonderful Cara Box. It was so good to get to know you! And thank you to Kaitlyn at Wifessionals for making this opportunity for bloggers to get to know each other.

Cara Box

1 comment:

  1. wow, she packed you a nice box there. I love that she gave you homemade stuff, definitely "green".
