
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Unexpected Moments In Marriage and Growing Together

As most of you know I frequently read the blog Wifessionals. Lately she has started a link up about her first year of marriage. Although I have been married almost 3 years, I thought I would give my perspective on this week's topic.

The Unexpected Moments
Boy does life in general bring unexpected moments, but marriage adds another dimension. We were married in October 2010, and since then gone through some HUGE life changes. You can read about our growing family and our love story to find out about some unexpected times in our life. Most recently though our biggest unexpected moment was our move back to Kansas and the new job. These are definitely the hardest and most life changing things that have happened to us. But all three of them have brought us eminence joy and we thank God everyday for helping us see His plan.
Through all of our unexpected moments, we have learned to lean on each other and God through all of it. We often will pray in bed together to ask God for guidance and patience. The hardest part is trusting that if we let go then God can handle it. I am a self-diagnosed control freak, and Hubby is very laid back. It often drives me crazy, but he I know that he is there to help calm me down and put things back into perspective.

How We Have Grown Together
One of the hardest parts about our marriage was moving immediately to Georgia, 1000 miles away from the life we have always known.  This however became a blessing because it made us rely totally on each other. We were best friends before we got married, but our relationship now is so much stronger. We were living in a new city and had no friends, so we spent every bit of our time together. The friendship we have now is more than I ever imagined I could experience, and to add Little Man to the mix has brought it  all to a whole.
I thank God for helping me to realize that life could be so much more than it was before I married Hubby. He completes me and I love him times infinity (our little saying).

What were some unexpected moments in your marriage?


  1. Love hearing how God has worked through marriages! Thank you for linking up with us! :)

    1. Thank you for stopping by and reading. It was a great opportunity to share my story.
