
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

4 Months Update

My little guy is 4 months. Well actually this post is almost 2 weeks late, but I'm finally getting around to posting it.
Look at that adorable face. How could you not love it??

Updates this month:
Size: He weighs in at 14 pounds and 24.5 inches. In the 30th percentile on all accounts.
Activity: He can reach for his toys and is getting better hand eye coordination               everyday. He smiles when he sees Mommy or Daddy walk into the room and pouts when they are no longer in his line of sight.
Foods: Still breastfeeding and substituting 6 oz bottles when Mommy is not there. We tried our first bowl of rice cereal this month. He likes it but we are still working on figuring out our tongue.
Sleep: We are in the process of sleep training. He still wakes up a couple of times a night to eat so we are trying to ween him off of midnight feedings since the doctor says he no longer needs them.
Favorite Toys: Baby Einstein Jumper is his favorite currently. He loves to bounce up and down play with the little toys attached.

I had to include this blooper photo from the shoot because it was so cute.

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie and this is a great way to document his growth!
