
Saturday, October 26, 2013

6 Month Update

Sorry I took the photo with my iPhone so the quality isn't great

Updates this month:
Size: 17 pounds and 26 inches (he was 7.14 pounds and 19 inches at birth)
Activity: He is "talking" more, he says "Mama" but we aren't sure he knows exactly what it means because he looks at everyone and says mama when he wants something. He also can sit up all by himself. He gets lazy sometimes and just tips over but he is getting much better each day. He is scooting on the floor but I don't think he is realizing he is moving since it's so slow. It looks more like a wiggle than a crawl. 
Foods: I got sick a few weeks ago and lost a lot of my production so we now only nurse before bed and in the morning after he wakes up. He has 6-8oz bottles during the day. We still do cereal and a fruit (banana, peaches, pears, or apples) in the morning and cereal and a veggie for dinner. We have also introduced puffs which he loves but hasn't figured out how to feed himself. 
Sleep: he can sleep all night!!! It's amazing but he just stopped waking up one night and since then sleeps from about 7:30pm to 7:45-8:15am. He takes a nap around 10am and 2pm each about an hour and a half. Sometimes he takes a short 30 min nap around 5 if he's really fussy. He is so easy to put down, we just rock him for a couple of mins, give him his pacifier, turn on his music and his lovey and he puts himself to bed within mins. 
Favorite toys: still the baby Einstein jumper, he will entertain himself for over an hour, which is really helpful so I can get things done and know where he is and he's safe. He is also now into playing with other toys, he loves anyone of them that sings or has lights. Now that he can sit up we just place 3 or 4 toys in front of him and he just plays with them by himself. 

I'm both excited and nervous for when he gets more mobile. I have a feeling that very soon we will be chasing him around the house.

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