
Saturday, December 21, 2013

8 Months Update

Size:21 pounds 27 inches (measured at home so not very accurate)
Activity:He is talking all the time now. It is getting really hard to keep him quiet during Church, he just wants to hear himself make noise. He loves to stand and is getting pretty good at it. He is trying to pull up on a few things but will stand for a while if you place him next to the coffee table. We put up his Jumper because all of the sudden he decided that he HATED it. I would put him in there to clean or something and he would scream the entire time. As soon as I took him out he was all smiles.
Almost everyone tells me he is the happiest kid they have ever seen. He does have his moments, but for the most part Little Man is a very happy and good baby.
Foods: He has about 5-6 6oz bottles a day as well as some baby foods. He loves puffs and is getting pretty good at feeding himself with them. He gets super jealous if we are eating and don't share. He loves bread and gingerbread cookies, he'll steal them right out of your hand.
Sleep: He is a great sleeper. He will sleep from 7:30-7:30 and take 3 naps during the day.
Favorite toys: He loves his doggy "Bingo" that he sleeps with. Its so cute to see him cuddle up with it. We also have a dino popper that pops up balls and sings songs. He loves that one too. But his all time favorite toy is a spatula from Gammy's kitchen. He likes to bang it like a drum stick.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

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