
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

11 Months Update

My Little Man is 11 months. I can't believe we are so close to his birthday. My tiny baby is gone, and replaced by this little person who decides what he wants and when. 
 Size: I haven't weighed him lately, but he has out grown his infant car seat and upgraded to the Big Boy one. Also most of his 12 months clothing are getting tight. He isn't a very chunky baby, but long, and so the onesies are getting short.
Food: He has started to eat more and more solid foods. He really is  not a huge fan of any "baby foods" anymore. He just realized how to eat out of those squeeze packets and that is the only way I can get him to eat baby food. Otherwise he will have about 5 bites and be done. I have found that Big Lots sells them for as low as $0.33 each (You have to catch them when they have them in stock. Sometimes they only have one flavor of something so I buy it out and go back the next week for whatever they have that time),which is much better than almost $2 that Dillon's has them for. He has a bottle at 7am, 11am, 4pm and 7pm, sometimes there is one more in there depending on when we get naps in. He also has blueberries and bananas for breakfast, and lunch we usually have grains and black beans or peas. Dinner is usually something off of our plate. He still hasn't had any meat and we don't give him any dairy except for occasional yogurt and if he's teething a bit of ice cream. I'm excited to be able to introduce strawberries and peanut butter after his birthday.
Activity: He is getting so fast at crawling. If he sees the dog food bowl, the dishwasher door down, the fridge door open, well basically anything we don't like him playing with, he books it over there. I have to admit there have been more than a handful of times that we have to pull dog food out of his mouth because we don't get the bowl on top of the counter fast enough. Apparently it doesn't taste bad enough to teach him a lesson. 
He is cruising everywhere, but has yet to let go of the couch to stand on his own. He still has that "fear face" when he thinks he's going to fall so he's not risking it just yet, but I know it's coming.
He loves playing with other kids and thinks that he is big enough to play too. One of my favorite things is driving and hearing his cracking up laughing at the other baby in his mirror. He finds it so funny and it makes me so happy.
Now that I'm no longer working as many hours I have been really trying to focus on sign language. He signs "more" by clapping and "all-done" by swinging his arms around. He recognizes if I sign "milk" and "eat" but he won't do it himself. The next word I'm working on is please.
Sleep:He takes a nap from 9:30-11:30 and another from 2:00-4:00 usually. He gets a bottle and goes to bed between 7 and 7:30pm and sleeps a full 12 hours.
He has been teething lately (he has 6 teeth total) but sleeping is actually really good for him and he sleeps more on the worst of the teething days.
Favorite Toys: Bingo (lovie) is still his favorite, he loves to cuddle with him. He has started to pay more attention to the dogs lately and aside from getting their hair pulled and sometimes hit on the head, they are very good at putting up with him. When they have had their fill they just walk away.
He has also really gotten into bubbles. He will see the bottle and grunt, when I ask him if he wants bubbles he says "bu bu".

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