
Friday, April 11, 2014

To my Little Man on his 1st birthday,

I can't believe it has been a year since I first held you in my arms. You have changed so much in this last year, and have become the most amazing little boy. You  were born at 7:31pm on Thursday, April 11th weighing  7 pounds and 14 ounces. Compared to the 22 pounds you are now it was so tiny.
This year you have learned to crawl and are on the brink of walking. You can say "Mama", "Dada", "Bye-Bye", and "Da Do" (Thank you). You can feed yourself, you love bananas, blueberries, bread, puffs, apples and more.
 You are such a curious little guy, always exploring new things, often putting them in their mouth just in case it's edible. You love to challenge the limits by climbing stairs, attempting to eat dog food, "helping"with dishes, and so much more. I'm sure it will just get worse as you get older.
Some of your favorite things are going on walks with Daddy, swimming (we just started swim lessons), going to Grandma's house, watching your favorite show Yo Gabba Gabba, and just being outside. Ever since you were born taking you outside has been the "magic" cure to your fussiness. You love to feel the wind on your face. I'm so thankful you were born in the spring so that it was nice enough to take you outside. 
We have had some struggles along the way. The first month after you were born was a struggle, you had a major breathing problem and I spent countless hours just watching you sleep to make sure you were breathing. But once your little nose got bigger the issue faded and we haven't really had any issues with it since then.
You got an infection a few months ago and had to have breathing treatments. You were such a trooper and got better quickly.

 Everyone commits that you are the happiest baby they have ever seen. Its true that you almost always have a smile on your face, and you don't have a problem with anyone holding you. Even when your upset it is fairly easy to distract you and your back to your old ways smiling away.You love to be tickled and that giggle is just the cutest thing ever. You are also amazed by other kids, whether bigger or smaller than you, you love to watch them and find them fascinating. Your favorite friend is the one in the mirror. We have one facing you in the car and while I'm driving I hear you talking and giggling with yourself in the mirror. I don't think you have realized that the mirror isn't real and you think its so funny when you wave your hand and the baby in the mirror does too.
You have now celebrated every holiday, and even met Santa. I thought that you would freak out when we put you in his lap, but you just looked at him and wondered who that strange man is.

You had your first hair cut, and sat very still. Since then you have had a handful of them, and still aren't a fan, but do pretty  good.
So here it to you, my baby boy! Happy First Birthday. I can't wait to see how much you will change this next year. I will always cherish our cuddle time, and those sweet slobbery kisses that we have shared.
I'll love you forever and always,

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