Tuesday, September 17, 2013

5 Month Favorites

1. Sassy Developmental Play Mat- I got this on Black Friday last year on sale. I wish I would have spent more on a mat with more features, but for the $20 I spent on it, its worth it. We have been using it for months, but he is finally old enough to play with the toys and he loves it. My favorite thing he does is grab the bird with his feet and bring it to his mouth like a monkey.
2. Dexas Ice Cube Tray- I found these at Target and knew instantly they would be perfect for making my own baby food. I love that they are great portion size for Little Man right now, and they come out of the tray so easily.
3. Munchkin Stay-Put Bowls- These bowls are great for mixing cereal in and I'm excited that they suction to the table top for when Little Man's hands get curious.
4. Bumpidoodle Floor Cushions-This is an adorable floor cushion (think bean bag with just stuffing in it). Our dogs try to fight Little Man for it becuase it is so comfortable to lay on. Also it comes in adorable shapes, we have the Dillon Dog, but there are owls, mice, monkeys, elephants, pigs and more.
5. Douglas Dog Sshlumpie- We got this as a gift and I had never seen anything like it. It is a combination of a stuffed animal and a cuddle blanket. It basically looks like a build-a-bear before you add the stuffing. This is Little Man's lovey and he sleeps with it every night. It is so adorable to see him cuddling with it.

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