
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Our First Anniversary

Last week I did a link-up about unexpected moments in marriage. Today's topic is about our first year anniversary.

Our anniversary is the First of October and at the time we were living in the Atlanta area. Friends of ours made us a fantastic steak dinner, including some very addicting bacon wrapped green beans. Afterwards Hubby surprised me by getting us a hotel for the night downtown and tickets for a show. My very favorite musical Wicked was in town playing at the fabulous Fox Theater. I had already seen it twice before, but Hubby had never seen a professional musical before. Trust me if you haven't had the pleasure of seeing this musical, it is a must. Even if you don't like musicals (like Hubby) you will enjoy this one.

After our dinner we drove downtown to our hotel, took a stroll around the area, and then called it a night. The next day we got all gussied up and walked to the theater. As we were walking to the theater, we saw tons of people dressed like they were going to a night club, only it was in the afternoon. Little did we know that the BET Awards show was in town for the night and we were asked many times if we were getting on the shuttle buses to go to the show.

We stopped at a local restaurant next door to the theater for lunch and then hit the afternoon show of Wicked. After the show we headed out to dinner. We found a Groupon for a local steakhouse, and when we got there at 5 o'clock we realized that this was a local hot spot for the 60+ crowed. I think we lowered the median age by about 30 years the moment we walked in. We ordered our lackluster dinner and headed home.

All in all it was a great anniversary. We had some good stories to tell and some memories that we will never forget.


  1. How fun! Your pictures are amazing! Thanks so much for linking up with us and sharing your anniversary!


  2. We saw Wicked when it was in Charlotte - it is fantastic. Sounds like you had a great first anniversary. Kim

  3. AH WICKED! My husband took me to see it when we were dating as my christmas/birthday gift combined...SO GREAT!

    Glad yall linked up with us!
