
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Throw Back Thursday-The McArthur Duo



Thanks Mason for finding these amazing gifts.
Here's how it works....
1. Be our friends!
The hosts
Lauren @ The Lo Down // Twitter // Bloglovin
 Mariah Carey                                                       Abbey Lee Miller

haha our reaction too

2. Write a post about your past: 
anything... really... we don't care!
(this could be anything from last weeks girl's night out to prom 2004)

3. Grab our button or link back to us!
*be sure to hop around and meet new friends*
So for my TBT (Throw Back Thursday) I thought I would share an embarrassing story about my sister and I. We are about 2 and a half years apart NEVER got along when we were little. Once I moved out of the house though, we became really close (weird I know, but I think we are better off if we don't live together). In December 2009 we decided to make an "album" for our Christmas presents to our family. We are both singers and my sister has some kind of unnatural talent to be able to pick up an instrument and figure out how to play it. At the time she was going to college at a school that specialized in music and so they had awesome practice rooms she could use to record the instruments for our "album". When she came in town for Christmas break we spent 3 days locked in her room recording our songs. All of them were covers to our favorite artists, featuring Ingrid Michaelson, Johnny Cash, Regina Spector and more. 
By the end of those 3 days we were finished with an album that was at most sub-par, but good enough for our family. We decided that we needed an album cover so we called my photographer friend Josh and he did a photo shoot. Here are the results:
My sister had what I called "Zach Effron" hair at the time
We think we are so cool looking, what were we thinking?!

My family was so ecstatic about this ridiculous album that immediately all of the present opening ceased and they put it into the CD player. We then heard ourselves for the first time, and both just looked at each other and buried our faces in embarrassment. Our family though loved it. To this day, almost 4 years later I still get calls from my mom and grandmother saying that they were missing us and so they popped the CD in. 

What about you? Link up and share a story about your past.

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